Cober srl

Packed lunch vs. lunch at the lodge

Cober srl

When you go hiking in the mountains, it is easy to meet two types of hikers: those who bring their own food and those who can’t wait to get to the lodge for a nice meal (perhaps including an appetiser-first course-second course-dessert-café-liquors).

If you are not performing an activity at a competitive level, there is no better choice between the two possibilities. It is simply a matter of taste and preferences!

One must also consider, however, that it is not always the case that when one chooses to go trekking, one will have the possibility of having lunch in a lodge. The route may be entirely naturalistic and therefore not include a place equipped for eating and, above all, provided with a kitchen. However, if you do have a choice, do you already know what your choice will be?

Packed lunch team

Definitely among the pros of a packed lunch is that it is a different experience. Often there are no tables to sit on, but you have to equip yourself with blankets to carry in your backpack to have a place to sit in peace. But the real star will be him, the sandwich that you so painstakingly brought from home. It doesn’t matter whether you made it yourself or whether you bought it (perhaps in the local supermarket/butcher shop!), the important thing is to enjoy the outdoors, nature and a home-made lunch, simple and essential, but which will be the right reward for your efforts! Ham, speck, salami, so many cheeses: we are sure your mouth is already watering – don’t worry, so is ours. Last but not least, there’s chocolate because, let’s face it, it wouldn’t be a mountain hike without some chocolate and the like to recharge your batteries. To be consumed preferably *whenever you want* during a break or at the end of lunch.

In this case, we also recommend that you equip yourself with trekking poles. They will make carrying your lunch and everything else you need easier and lighter.

Lunch at the lodge team

You left town full of energy. The idea is to go for a nice hike to clear your mind and do some outdoor activity – you really needed it, especially in this heat. But hiking in the mountains is actually a well-crafted excuse to justify the lavish and rich lunch you will have once you get to your destination: the mountain lodge. Usually the menu includes eggs, cheese, polenta, maybe even pizzoccheri. But no matter how hot it gets, there will be nothing left on the plate. And we’re sure that home-made cake will be a must (you can’t make “all that effort” and give up dessert). So, legs under the table and off you go. You can finally enjoy the *super* well-deserved lunch.

For those of you in this category, we recommend that you bring trekking poles to avoid rolling downhill at the end of your light lunch!


We know we have made you hungry, but we have one last question. Are you Team Packed Lunch or Team Lunch at the Lodge?